How to Heal your Inner Child - Part 2
NOTE: The Inner Child 3 Session Program is undertaken by watching a video for each session and following the instructions. Each video is downloaded and ready to watch once you purchase it.
Do you sometimes over-react to situations that in hindsight are not that bad?
Do you often feel trapped or unsafe and don’t know why?
Do you seem to go into fight or flight (aggressive or retreat) when you are unable to deal with a difficult situation?
DO you find yourself unable to remember many aspects of your childhood, or try to block some of them out?
If any of this sounds familiar, you may be experiencing the hidden but damaging effects of a painful childhood—carrying within you a “wounded inner child” that is crying out for attention and healing.
Many people often ask me 'where is a good place to start my healing process'.
My reply is 'work on your Inner Child/ren as they affect every aspect of your life'. That is why I have written and developed a brand new Inner Child workshop program.
Inner Child work has the ability to positively improve every area of your life including relationships, dating, career, business, health & more!
This online workshop class was delivered live and everyone attending has enjoyed amazing results. Read some reviews and feedback further down!
In this Part 2 session we are focused on healing, and we will discuss acceptance and validate overall how your inner child is feeling. The emotions your inner child has been storing up and feeling, (e.g. hurt, anger, sadness, grief) and you will be invited to conduct some drawing exercises and a meditation to accelerate the healing process.
Please note that this workshop was conducted to a live audience, so you may hear reference to this, but no need to be distracted by it, just follow the workshop video instructions and watch the PowerPoint.
- Press checkout and purchase all 3 sessions.
- You will receive a separate video for each session to download and watch.
- Before you get started on the workshop I suggest that you to have ready some paper, coloured pencils, texta's or anything else that might activate your creativity.
- Your Inner Child will like coloured pencils or texta if possible.
- Press play on the video.
- Follow the instructions as described during the video. Enjoy, your Inner Child awaits you!
- Feel free to pause the video at anytime.
Enjoy, your Inner Child awaits you!
Once you have completed Part 2 of the workshop, you will notice a level of lightness, that was a huge step, so please be gentle with yourself. You are now ready to move onto Part 3 and complete the integration stage.
and is conducted over 3 video sessions.
Week 1 - Re-connect with your inner child/ren - 1 hr workshop
Week 2 - Heal with your inner child/ren - 1 hr workshop
Week 3 - Re-integrate with your inner child/ren - 1 hr workshop
Each session features:
✔️ a written exercise
✔️ practical technique
✔️ and we conclude the session with a meditation
PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS LINK IS TO PURCHASE PART 2 (Part 1 and 3 can be purchased separately, and it is highly recommended that they be undertaken in sequence, e.g. Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 in order.)
HOW IT WORKS - we sometimes have a bundle package on offer or on special.
Once you confirm payment (if on offer, be sure to click the green bundles tab and save $$) you will have an instant download file with your training video to watch. Listen to instructions and enjoy!
Be sure to have some paper, pens handy as there will be writing and drawing exercises included.
Note: These files will download onto your computer. If you need any assistance, please email to holpsy@holpsy.com
Here is SOME feedback so far from people who did this video series
Highly recommend this series!!! ~ Alison B
Life changing workshop. I watched 1 video per week and I can only say WOW! I am calmer, I am enjoying the natural joy and everyone around me is wondering why. One word, Trudy's Inner Child Classes lol ~ Julie W
I always get triggered this time of the year but my inner child and I did some beautiful reconnecting and for the first time in 30 years I feel happy, joyful, loved and in zen bliss! ~ Jamie T
Inner Child Work Changed my Life! Trudy has been one of the most positive influential mentors I have had in my life. Her level of expertise, care, honesty, integrity and ability to access deep wisdom and energetic information has enabled me to break-free from my own limitations in order for me to step into my authentic self. Trudy has been a significant catalyst in my search for truth and personal journey. I highly recommend Trudy's work, I wouldn't be where I am today without her guidance. ~ Alana Arvanitis
Incredibly powerful, insightful and hugely valuable. This workshop made such a positive difference in my life, allowed me to resolve and remove blocks and obstacles (that I wasn't even aware of), stop self sabotaging, make peace with my past, learn my lessons, listen to my intuition, trust myself, have more fun and play time. A "must do" for anyone who is struggling, feels stagnant, keeps living the same experiences/mistakes (groundhog day), sabotages or pushes away the good things in their life, lives life for others, feels hopeless and wants to give up, isn't sure what they want or where they are heading, needs a fresh outlook and change in mindset. Trust yourself, sign up and change your life!! Trudy is amazing!! ~ Karen Low
WOW! Amazing shifts during this powerful Inner Child session, thank you so much and look forward to Part 2 & 3. - Jen x
Our course teacher (Trudy Vesotsky) has been studying, practising and teaching on the subject of Holistic Behavioural Psychology, Spirituality, Metaphysics, Personal Development/Intuitive Development and Business Coaching for the last two decades.
Each workshop may contain a mixture of ancient and modern new age philosophies, psychological techniques as we know the value and long term benefits of working with the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects as a whole.
It is highly recommended that you use each workshop class in sequence as you will benefit most if you first re-connect, then heal and re-integrate with your inner children.
Much love
The Holistic Psychology Team x