Grant Guru Academy

The Grant Guru Academy aims to present highly skilled people from across the globe to write outstanding grant funding applications for you.
With over 4 trillion dollars in Grant Funding worldwide there are amazing opportunities to make a difference in some way.
This page will feature Grant Writers from across the globe that are ready to work with you to write an outstanding grant application.
Everyone to be featured here will have succesfully completed our '6 Step to Grant Success Program' and a comprehensive assessment process.
To the best of our knowledge, everyone listed has the necessary skills required to complete a well written grant funding application however we do not accept any responsibility for grants not being succesful.
There are a range of reasons why grants are not successful (politically assigned money to regions, the dollars requested do not match the value, etc) and it does not necessarily mean that your application was not well written.
Please feel free to contact the person that seems to align with you best and perform your own due diligence (speak to them, ask questions) before deciding on hiring your grant writer.
Come back soon as our list will be updated regularly.
Please feel free to contact us below should you wish to ask any questions or if you would like to enquire about joining the Grant Guru Academy.